3.2 The factors that influence consumer behaviorThere are two of the factors that influence the behavior of consume, namely socio-cultural strength and power psokologis.Cultural social forces consisting of cultural, social level, the group fad (small reference groups) and family.While the strength pisokologis terdieri of the learning experience, personality, attitudes and beliefs, self-image.1. Socio-Cultural Strengtha. Cultural factorsCulture dafat in kreativiras deviniskan as a result of people from one generation to another generation who will determine the form of behavior in the life sebgai community members.General implications of cultural change for expert issue are as follows:1. Pisikologis to tend to be free from lack of economic security. Consumer shows:a. The trend towards increased physical strengthb. The trend towards personalization2. The tendency to understand antifungisonala. The tendency towards the romantic flow of newb. The tendency towards a new and a change3. The tendency of a reaction against komplekasiConsumer shows:a. The trend towards the simple lifeb. The trend back to natureb. Factors Social ClassSocial class is defined as a group that consists of a number of people who have a balanced position in society.c. Factor fad group (small group refrence)Defined as sutau orag groups that influence attitudes, pendafat, norms and behavior of kinsmen.Kelmpok This is a collection of family, group or organization.d. Family factorsSutau small community units greatly affect behavior and determine the buying decision.2. Factors Kekutan Pisikologisa. Factors of work experienceLearning is a change in behavior from previous penalaman.Consumer behavior can be studied because it is strongly influenced by the experience of learning. Consumer learning experience will determine the action keputisan purchase.b. Personality FactorConsumer personality is determined by internal factors themselves. Services in the show very Pila store clerk influence.c. Sikaf and confidence factorSikaf and beliefs are very berpengruh in siatu specifies the product, brand and service. Sutu consumer confidence towards the brand can be changed mealaui kominikasi persuasife.d. The concept of self or self conceptNeed to create something that suits that is expected by the consumer.
3.3 Research Methods of Consumer Behaviour1. Various kinds of consumer researchThere are two kinds of consumer research, that research is the exploration and research on consumers' conclusionsa. Research explorationThe method used in the exploration of consumer research is a method of influence and methods of focus groups.1. Method of influencing consumerThrough giving to the consumer in sepontan sugerti2. Method mempokuskan concentrate or consumer groups. Consumer groups such kanya associate freely to the problems that exist in the article.b. Consumer research approachExploratory research is not planned to conclude in researching answers to questions put consumers. Therefore, the researchers concluded megenai sutu consumers against products, and services they are important consumers conclusions researchers can also be used to determine what affects consumer2. Consumer research approachThere are two research approaches, namely the research approach and longitudinal cross-soctional.a. Cross-sectional approachThis approach is in order to investigate aspects of consumer behavior that uses a relatively short time such as examining changes in consumer behavior at certain watu learn the values and attitudes of consumers of a product preformance terhadaf moment of time.b. Pendektan longitudinal studyThis approach is intended to investigate aspects of consumer behavior, which occurs in some period of time,For example: conduct research on the approach to the public about a product can survive for some time.Approach longitudinal study conducted at a relatively long period of time, while the approach to cross-sctional menggnakan a relatively short time or a moment.3. Methods of consumer information penhumpulanThere are three methods of gathering consumer information, the method of observation, ekspresimen and surveys.a. Observational methodsOne mempelajair consumers is by observing a visible behavior, such as consumer habits member observing a particular brand of products, attitudes and penilaiyan consumer to a product or brand, the types most favored by consumers.b. Methods ekspesimen this method is a method of collecting by means of holding ekspresimen or experiment upon the situation.For example: measuring the effect of the special situation of the attitudes and buying behavior.Ekspresimen method consists of laboratory experiments and field experiments.1. Laboratory ExperimentsIn laboratory experiments conducted is to control the variables from the outside.Mass: conduct an experiment on consumer preferences.
2. Field ExperimentsPerconaan was conducted to determine consumers' responses to sutu products, new brands are introduced or marketed. Can also to determine the effect of price, advertising to the marketing of products, or brand new.c. Survey MethodsPengumpukan method data or information consumers do partisipsi actively.There are three techniques in survey methods, namely a personal interview (personal interview), the survey by telephone (teleponsuveys), and the survey by mail (mail surveys)1. Personal WawcaraInformation gathering techniques in lakikan with infrmasi directly, face to face between the interviewer (the interviewer) to the consumer.2. Surveys by telephoneTechnique of collecting consumer information over the phone meant to know the opinions of consumers against the use of goods that have been bought.
3. Surveys by mailCollection techniques through a letter intended to disseminate the questionnaire kapada consumers via postal methods.The purpose of the survey by mail among others is to medapat perilain information about the response and consumer to a product.
3.4 Theory of Consumer BehaviorThe theory of consumer behavior can be divided into two kinds of approaches: the approach of the value (utility) and the approach to ordinal values.In order cardinal value approach is considered a benefit or pleasure obtained a consumer can be expressed in kuantintatif. According to this pemisalan, and with the assumption that consumers will maximize the satisfaction that can be achieved, explained how one would determine kosumennya above various types of goods listed on the market. In the approach to ordinal value, benefit or pleasure derived from the people who consumed the goods are not quantifiable.The behavior of a consumer to have the goods that will maximize the satisfaction indicated satisfaction with the help of the same curve, ie a curve which describes the combination of goods that will provide value to (the same satisfaction.)
4.1 ConclusionConsumer behavior is tinkat behavior of consumers, where they can illustrate their products and services sutu / single action, the process of social relations by individuals, groups and organizations in obtaining, using sutu other product or as a result of experience, by learning 3 variables of consumer behavior.The factors that affect consumer behavior, namely: socio-cultural forces and the strength pisikologis.The method used in the study of consumer behavior and method of concentrate or focus groups of consumerism.Theory to explain consumer behavior concerning consumer behavior in the market, namely menerangakan consumer behavior in buying and selecting goods to be bought.This theory dikembangka in two forms: utility theory and analysis of the same satisfaction.